Sea Turtle Hospital Patient Releases


Sea Turtle Hospital Patient Releases

During complete patient veterinary exams with Dr. Brooke, some of the Sea Turtle Hospital's fan favorites — Baywatch, Goldfinger, and Birdcage — were all cleared for release after receiving a clean bill of health.

With the ocean conditions being a bit rough over the past few weeks, the Sea Turtle Hospital has seen a steady trickle of new patients arriving at the hospital. While most of these animals are non-FP cases and have been triaged and transferred to other hospitals, they have had a few new FP patients come in.

Due to the large number of new strandings in the area, FWC instructed the Sea Turtle Hospital to release sooner rather than later. Unfortunately this did not allow enough time to share this exciting news with friends and followers, especially the sponsor families of these patients.

Each animal was released during calm ocean conditions and are now happily swimming off on their incredible turtle journeys. Thank you to the sponsorship families!