Sponsor the Care of our Winter Turtles


Sponsor the Care of our Winter Turtles

Winter Turtle Care with Chilly Turtles

This time of year can be particularly challenging for our flippered friends. Cold air temperatures and offshore winds often push weakened sea turtles ashore.

Between December and March, Northeast Florida experiences a significant number of sea turtle strandings. These animals are typically cold-stunned, weak, dehydrated, and often suffering from underlying medical conditions, with some in critical condition.

How Can You Help?

By sponsoring the care of the Sea Turtle Hospital's winter patients you'll be supporting the Sea Turtle Hospital and the work we do to research, rehab and release these amazing animals. Your sponsorship can provide these turtles important medical supplies, nutritious food, critical exams and other types of care provided while at the Sea Turtle Hospital.

Suggested amount to sponsor the care of a turtle is $50. We appreciate gifts above $50 as well.

For joining us, you'll receive:

  • A personalized certificate and choice to have it mailed to your home or emailed

You can even give a turtle sponsorship as a gift!

Please allow 2 weeks for mailed certificate to arrive. Emailed certificates sent within 3-4 business days. 

For questions about sponsoring, please contact wlmb@whitney.ufl.edu.


Turtles receiving care at the Sea Turtle Hospital

I Found a Chilly Turtle - What do I do?

If you encounter a sea turtle washed ashore, it is crucial to contact the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) immediately. DO NOT attempt to return the turtle to the water. If necessary, move the animal away from the water’s edge to ensure that officials can reach it in a timely manner.

Recently we received a report of a juvenile green sea turtle that had washed ashore. Unfortunately, before officials could arrive, the turtle was returned to the water. A few hours later, another call came from the same location, but once again, the turtle was put back into the water before staff from the sea turtle hospital could reach it.

Sea turtles will continue to strand, and if proper intervention is delayed, the outcomes are often tragic. Please remember: timely reporting and not returning the turtle to the water can make all the difference.

Call: 888-404-3922

Text: seaturtlestranding@myfwc.com (yes you can text an email address)

Call our stranding phone: 904-392-8707