Recent Publications (2010-Present):

Whitmore, L., McCauley, M., Farrell, J.A., Stammnitz, M.R., Koda, S.A., Mashkour, N., Summers, V., Osborne, T.Z., Whilde, J., Duffy, D.J., 2023. Inadvertent human genomic bycatch and intentional capture raise beneficial application and ethical concerns with environmental DNA. Nature Ecology and Evolution 7: 873-888

Chaya, T.M., Schafer, T.B., Osborne, T.Z. 2023. Assessing water quality dynamics in tidally influenced blackwater rivers along a rural-urban gradient. Water 15(23): 4254

Morrison, E.S., Liu, Y., Rivas-Ubach, A., Amaral, J.H.F., Shields, M., Osborne, T.Z., Bianchi. T.S. 2023. Mangrove peat and algae leachates elicit rapid and contrasting molecular and microbial responses in coastal waters. Nature Communications Earth & Environment 4(1): 376

Schafer, T.B., Julian, P., Villapando, O., Osborne, T.Z. 2023. Abiotic mineralization of dissolved organic phosphorus for improved nutrient retention in a large-scale treatment wetland system. Ecological Engineering 195: 107078

Amaral, J.H.F., Gaddy, J.R., Bianchi, T.S., Osborne, T.Z., Newman, S., Dombrowski, J., Morrison, E.S. 2023. Controls on the composition of dissolved organic matter in treatment wetland source waters of South Florida, USA. Ecological Engineering 194: 107047

Cory, B.A., Smith, A., Deitch, M.J., Miller, D.L., Enloe, H., Osborne. T.Z. 2023. Changes in Ecosystem Structure and composition influence groundwater chemistry in herbaceous wetlands. Ecosystems 26: 1603-1621

Griffin, E.K., Hall, L.M., Brown, M.A., Taylor-Manges, A., Green, T., Suchanec, K., Furman, B.T., Congdon, V.M., Wilson, S.S., Osborne, T.Z., Martin, S., Shultz, E.A, Lukacsa, D.T., Greenberg, J.A., Bowden. J.A. 2023. PFAS surveillance in abiotic matrices within vital aquatic habitats throughout Florida. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 192: 115001

Julian, P., Schafer, T.B., Cohen, M.J., Jones, P., Osborne, T.Z. 2023. Changes in the spatial distribution of total phosphorus in sediment and water column of a shallow subtropical lake. Lake and Reservoir Management 39 (3): 213-230

Brown, M.T., Dix, N., Osborne, T.Z., Castle, A., Woodward, W., Hartnett, A., Dunnigan, S., Tanner, S., McGinley, E. 2023. The impacts of a restoration dredging project and storm events on water quality in a Northeast Florida barrier island estuary. Journal of Coastal Research 39(4): 722-739

Feller, I.C., Berger, U., Chapman, S.K., Dangremond, E.M., Dix, N.G., Langley, J.A., Lovelock, C.E., Osborne, T.Z., Shor, A.C., Simpson, L.T. 2023. Nitrogen additions increase freeze resistance in black mangrove (Avicennia germinans) shrubs in a temperate- tropical ecotone. Ecosystems 26(4): 800-814

Walker, J.E., Angelini, C., Altieri, A.H., Martin, C.W., Osborne. T.Z. 2023. Influence of climate-mediated shifts in wetland vegetation on prey fish habitat use and schooling dynamics. Marine Ecology Progress Series 716: 31-45

Morrison, E.S., Phips, E., Badylak, S., Chappel, A.R., Altieri, A.H., Osborne, T.Z., Tomasko, D., Beck, M.W., Sherwood, E. 2023. The response of Tamp Bay to a legacy mining nutrient release in the year following the event. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 11: 1144778

Griffin, E.K., Hall, L.M., Brown, M.A., Taylor-Manges, A., Green, T., Suchanec, K., Furman, B.T., Congdon, V.M., Wilson, S.S., Osborne, T.Z., Martin, S., Shultz, E.A., Lukacsa, D.T., Greenberg, J.A., Deliz Quinones, K.Y., Lin, E.Z., Camacho, C., Bowden, J.A. 2023. Aquatic vegetation, an understudied dept for PFAS. Journal of the American Society of Mass Spectrometry 34(9): 1826-1836

Roth, J.S., Osborne, T.Z., Reynolds, L.K. 2023. Warming and grazing independently and interactively impact plant defenses and palatability. Oikos e09771

Manzanas, C., Morrison, E.S., Kim, S., Alipanah, M., Adedokun, G., Jin, S., Osborne, T.Z., Fan. Z.H. 2023. Molecular devices for on-site detection of E.coli in water samples. Scientific Reports 13(1): 4245

Walker, J. E., Ankersen, T., Barchieisi, S., Meyer, C. K., Altieri, A. H., Osborne, T. Z., Angelini, C. 2022. Governance and the mangrove commons: advancing a cross-scale, nested framework for the global conservation and wise use of mangroves. Journal of Environmental Management 312:114823 doi10.1016/j.jenvman.2022.114823

Schafer, T.B., Dix, N., Dunnigan, S., Reddy, K. R., Osborne, T.Z. 2022. Impacts of hurricanes on nutrient export and ecosystem metabolism in a blackwater riverestuary complex. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 10(5): 661 DOI: 10.3390/jmse10050661

Martinez, B., Da Silva, B. F., Aristizabal-Henao, J. J., Osborne, T. Z., Morrison, E. S., Bianchi, T. S., Bowden, J. A. 2022. Increased levels of perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) during Hurricane Dorian on the east coast of Florida. Environmental Research 208: 112635 DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2021.112635

MacDonnell, C., Bydalek, F., Osborne, T. Z., Beard, A., Barbour, S., Leonard, D., Makinia, J., Inglett, P. W. 2022. Use of a wastewater recovery product (struvite) to enhance subtropical seagrass restoration. Science of the Total Environment 838(1): 155717 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.155717

Feller, I. C., Berger, U. Chapman, S. K., Dangremond, E. M., Dix, N., Langley, J. A., CE Lovelock, C. E., Osborne, T. Z., Shoar, A. C., Simpson, L. T. 2022. Nitrogen addition increases freeze resistencae in black mangrove (Avicennia germinans) shrubs in a terperate-tropical ecotone. Ecosystems. DOI:10.1007/s10021-022-00796-z

Reddy, K.R., Hu, J., Villapando, O., Bhomia, R.K., Vardanyan, L., Osborne, T.Z. 2021. Long-term accumulation of macro-and secondary elements in subtropical treatment wetlands. Ecosphere 12 (11), e03787

Julian, P., Osborne, T.Z., Bhomia, R.K., Villapando, O. 2021. Knowing your limits: evaluating aquatic metabolism in a subtropical treatment wetland. Hydrobiologia 848 (17), 3969-3986

PJ, I.I., Osborne, T.Z., Nair, V.D. 2021. Seal Tightly and Store in a Cool Dry Place: Exploring Soil Phosphorus Storage in a Subtropical Treatment Wetland. Mapping Intimacies 10.21203/

Vaughn, D.R., Bianchi, T.S., Shields, M.R., Kenney, W.F., Osborne, T.Z. 2021.Blue Carbon Soil Stock Development and Estimates Within Northern Florida Wetlands. Frontiers in Earth Science 9, 6 Schafer, T., Powers, L., Gonsior, M., Reddy, K.R., Osborne, T.Z. 2021. Contrasting responses of DOM leachates to photodegradation observed in plant species collected along an estuarine salinity gradient. Biogeochemistry 152 (2), 291-307

Craig, H., Antwis, R.E., Cordero, I, Ashworth, D., Robinson, C.H., Osborne, T.Z., Bardgett, R.D., Rowntree, J.K., Simpson, L.T. 2021. Nitrogen addition alters composition, diversity, and functioning of microbial communities in mangrove soils: an incubation experiment. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 153, 108076

Eastman, C.B., Farrell, J.A., Whitmore, L., Rollinson Ramia, D.R., Thomas, R.S., Prine, J., Eastman, S.F., Osborne, T.Z., Martindale, M.Q., Duffy, D.J. 2020. Plastic ingestion and stomach accumulation is near ubiquitous across multiple species of deceased post-hatchling sea turtles in Florida near shore waters. Frontiers in Marine Biology.

Julian, P., Gerber, S., Bhomia, R. K., King, J., Osborne, T.Z., Wright, A. L. 2020. Understanding stoichiometric mechanisms of nutrient retention in wetland macrophytes: stoichiometric homeostasis along a nutrient gradient in a subtropical wetland. Oecologia 193 (4), 969-980

Schafer, T., Ward, N., Julian, P., Reddy, K. R., Osborne, T. Z. 2020. Impacts of Hurricane Disturbance on Water Quality across the Aquatic Continuum of a Blackwater River to Estuary Complex. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 8 (6), 412

Dangremond, E.M., Simpson, L.T., Osborne, T. Z., Feller, I. C. 2020. Nitrogen Enrichment Accelerates Mangrove Range Expansion in the Temperate–Tropical Ecotone Ecosystems 23 (4), 703-714

Vaughn, D. R., Bianchi, T. S., Shields, M. R., Kenney, W. F., Osborne, T. Z. 2020. Increased Organic Carbon Burial in Northern Florida Mangrove-Salt Marsh Transition Zones. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 34 (5), e2019GB006334

Julian, P., Gerber, S., Bhomia, R. K., King, J., Osborne, T. Z., Wright, A. L. 2020. Stoichiometric homeostasis of wetland vegetation along a nutrient gradient in a subtropical wetland. Understanding stoichiometric mechanisms of nutrient retention in wetland 3 macrophytes. bioRxiv, 221465

Julian II, P., Gerber, S., Bhomia, R.K., King, J., Osborne, T.Z., Wright, A.L., Powers, M., Dombrowski, J. 2019. Evaluation of nutrient stoichiometric relationships among ecosystem compartments of a subtropical treatment wetland. Do we have “Redfield wetlands”? Ecological Processes 8 (1), 20

Walker, J.E., Angelini, C., Safak, I., Altieri, A.H., Osborne, T.Z. 2019. Effects of Changing Vegetation Composition on Community Structure, Ecosystem Functioning, and Predator–Prey Interactions at the Saltmarsh-Mangrove Ecotone. Diversity 11 (11), 208

Flower, H., Rains, M., Fitz, H.C., Orem, W., Newman, S., Osborne, T.Z., Reddy, K.R., Obeysekera, J. 2019. Shifting Ground: Landscape-Scale Modeling of Biogeochemical Processes under Climate Change in the Florida Everglades. Environmental management 64 (4), 416-435

Smith, R.S., Osborne, T.Z., Feller, I.C., Byers, J.E. 2019. Detrital traits affect substitutability of a range‐expanding foundation species across latitude. Oikos

Silliman, B.R., He, Q., Angelini, C., Smith, C.S., Kirwan, M.L., Daleo, P., Renzi , J.J., Butler, J., Osborne, T.Z., Nifong, J.C., de Koppel, J. 2019. Field Experiments and Meta-analysis Reveal Wetland Vegetation as a Crucial Element in the Coastal Protection Paradigm. Current Biology 29 (11), 1800-1806. e3

Simpson, L.T., Stein, C.M., Osborne, T.Z., Feller, I.C. 2019. Mangroves dramatically increase carbon storage after 3 years of encroachment. Hydrobiologia 834 (1), 13-26

Morrison, E.S., Liu, Y., Rivas‐Ubach, A., Osborne, T.Z., Ogram, A.V., Bianchi, T.S. 2019. Marine microbial community responses related to wetland carbon mobilization in the coastal zone. Limnology and
Oceanography Letters 4 (1), 25-33

Simpson, L.T., Osborne, T.Z., Feller, I.C. 2019. Wetland Soil Co2 Efflux Along a Latitudinal Gradient of Spatial and Temporal Complexity. Estuaries and Coasts 42 (1), 45-54

Phelps, S.A., Osborne, T.Z. 2019. Phosphorus in the Everglades and Its Effects on Oxidation-Reduction Dynamics. Mercury and the Everglades. A Synthesis and Model for Complex Ecosystem Restoration pp 109-130

Kimberli J. Ponzio, K.J, Osborne, T.Z., Davies, G.T., LePage, B., Sundareshwar, P.V., Miller, S.J., Bochnak, A.M.K., Phelps, S.A., Guyette, M.Q., Chowanski, K.M., Kunza, L.A., Pellechia, P.J., Gleason, R.A., Sandvik, C. 2019. Building Resiliency to Climate Change Through Wetland Management and Restoration. Wetlands: Ecosystem Services, Restoration and Wise Use pp 255-309

Zhang, X., Bianchi, T., Cohen, M., Martin, J., Quintero, C.J., Brown, A.L., Ares, A.M., Heffernan, J.B., Ward, N., Osborne, T.Z., Shields, M.R., Kenney, W.F. 2019. Initiation and Development of Wetlands in Southern Florida Karst Landscape Associated With Accumulation of Organic Matter and Vegetation Evolution. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences

Shields, M.R., Bianchi, T.S., Kolker, A.S., Kenney, W.F., Mohrig, D., Osborne, T.Z., Curtis, J.H. 2019. Factors Controlling Storage, Sources, and Diagenetic State of Organic Carbon in a Prograding Subaerial Delta: Wax Lake Delta, Louisiana. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences

Julian, P., Osborne, T.Z. (2018). From lake to estuary, the tale of two waters: a study of aquatic continuum biogeochemistry. Environmental monitoring and assessment, 190: 96

Dhaliwal, S.S., Toor, G.S., Rodriguez-Jorquera, I.A., Osborne, T.Z., Newman, S. (2018). Trace metals in the soils of Water Conservation Area of Florida Everglades: Considerations for ecosystem restoration. Journal of Soils and Sediments,18: 342

Simpson, L.T., Osborne, T.Z., Feller, I.C. Wetland Soil Co2 Efflux Along a Latitudinal Gradient of Spatial and Temporal Complexity. (2018). Estuaries and Coasts, 1-10

Smith, R.S., Blaze, J.A., Osborne, T.Z., Byers, J.E. (2018). Facilitating your replacement? Ecosystem engineer legacy affects establishment success of an expanding competitor. Oecologia, 188: 251

Julian, P., Gerber, S., Bhomia, R., King, J., Osborne, T.Z., Wright, A.L., Power, M. (2018). Evaluation of nutrient stoichiometric relationships amongst ecosystem compartments of a subtropical treatment wetland. Fine-scale analysis of wetland nutrient stoichiometry. bioRxiv, 220186

Julian,PJ(g), S. Gerber, AL Wright, B. Gu, Osborne, T.Z. (2017) Carbon pool trends and dynamics within a subtropical peatland during long-term restoration. Ecological Processes 6:43 DOI 10.1186/s13717-017-0110-8.

Newman, S., Osborne, T.Z., S.E. Hagarthy, C. Saunders, K. Rutchey, K. Shall, K.R.Reddy. (2017) Drivers of landscape evolution: multiple regimes and their influence on carbon sequestration in a sub‐tropical peatland. Ecological Monographs 87(4): 578-599.

Simpson, LT (g), Osborne, T.Z., LJ Duckett, IC Feller. (2017) Carbon storages along a climate induced coastal wetland gradient. Wetlands 37(6): 1023-1035.

Osborne, T.Z., M.F. Coveney, R.A. Mattson. (2017) Potential for direct nitrate-nitrite inhibition of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) in Florida Springs: A review and synthesis of current literature. Water 8: 30-46.

Osborne, T.Z., Fitz HC, Davis S. (2017) Restoring the foundation of the Everglades: assessment of edaphic responses to hydrologic restoration scenarios. Restoration Ecology 25(S1): S59-S70.

Simpson, LT(g), Osborne, T.Z., Feller, IC. (2017) Establishment and biomass allocation of black and red mangroves: Response to propagule flotation duration and seedling light availability. Journal of Coastal Research 33(5): 1126-1134.

Simpson, LT, Osborne, TZ, Feller, IC (2016) Establishment and biomass allocation of black and red mangroves: Response to propagule flotation duration and seedling light availability. Journal of Coastal Research, Online First Dec. 09, 2016.  ISSN 0749-0208.

Vogel, WJ, Osborne, TZ, James, RT Cohen MJ (2016) Spectral prediction of sediment chemistry in Lake Okeechobee Florida. Environmental Monitoring  Assessment 188: 594-607

Julian, P., A.L. Wright, T.Z. Osborne. 2016. Iron and sulfur Porewater and surface water biogeochemical interactions in a subtropical peatland. Soil Science Society of America 80:794-802

Dhaliwal,S., G.S. Toor, I. Rodriguez-Jorquera, T.Z. Osborne, S. Newman. 2016. Trace metals in soils of Water Conservation Area of Florida Everglades: considerations for ecosystem restoration. Journal of Soils and Sediments 10.1007/s11368-016-1459-5.

Osborne, T. Z., S. Newman, K. R. Reddy, L. R. Ellis, and M. S. Ross. 2015. Spatial Distribution of Soil Nutrients in the Everglades Protection Area. In: Microbiology of the Everglades Ecosystem. J. entry, A. Ogram (Eds.) CRC Press- Taylor Francis Group. Boca Raton FL USA. 38-67.

Bukata, B.J. T.Z. Osborne, and M.L. Szafraniec. 2015 Soil nutrient assessment and characterization in a degraded central Florida Swamp. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 226(9) 1-11

Orem, W., S. Newman, T.Z. Osborne, K.R. Reddy. 2015. Projecting changes in Everglades soil biogeochemistry for carbon and other key elements to possible 2060 climate and hydrologic scenarios. Environmental Management 55: 776-798

Gabriel, MC, D. Axelrad, W. Orem, N. Howard, T.Z. Osborne. 2015. Response to “Comment on and Reinterpretation of Gabriel et al., (2014) “Fish Mercury and Surface Water Sulfate Relationships in the Everglades Protection Area” Environmental Management 55:1227-1231

Osborne, TZ. 2015. Potential for Nitrate-Nitrite Inhibition of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) in Florida Springs. St. Johns River Water Management District Special Publication Series   SP2015-2

Osborne TZ., R. Mattson, and M. Coveney. 2015. Macroinvertebrate Grazers, Dissolved Oxygen Stress, and the Loss of Top-Down Control of Algae in Florida Spring Ecosystems. St. Johns River Water Management District Special Publication Series   SP2015-1

Watts, A. C., D. L. Watts, M. J. Cohen, J. B. Heffernan, D. L. McLaughlin, J. B. Martin, D. A. Kaplan, A. B. Murray, T. Z. Osborne, and L. N. Kobziar. 2014. Evidence of biogeomorphic patterning in a low-relief karst landscape. Earth Surface Process and Landforms 39 (15): 2027-2037

Gabriel, M.C., N. Howard, T.Z. Osborne. 2014. Fish mercury and surface water sulfate relationships in the Everglades Protection Area. Environmental Management 53: 583-593

Chambers, L.G, T.Z. Osborne, and K.R. Reddy. 2013. Effect of salinity pulsing events on soil organic carbon loss along an intertidal wetland gradient: A laboratory experiment. Biogeochemistry 115:363-383

*Osborne, T.Z., K.R. Reddy, L.R. Ellis, N.G. Aumen, D.D. Surratt, M.S. Zimmerman, and J. Sadle. 2013. Evidence of recent phosphorus enrichment in surface soils of Taylor Slough and northeast Everglades National Park. Wetlands 34(1) 37-45

Osborne, T.Z., L.N. Kobziar, & P.W. Inglett. 2013. Investigating the role of fire in shaping and maintaining wetland ecosystems. Fire Ecology 9(1): 1-5

Inglett, K.S., P.W. Inglett, K.R. Reddy, and T.Z. Osborne 2012 Temperature sensitivity of greenhouse gas production in wetland soils of different vegetation. Biogeochemistry 108: 77-90

Chambers, L.G., T.Z. Osborne, and K.R. Reddy. 2011. Short-term response of carbon cycling to salinity pulses in a freshwater wetland.   Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 75(5) 1-8

White, W.R., L.R. Ellis, L.N. Sturmer, T.Z. Osborne, S. Baker. 2012. Applying a soils-based approach to clam aquaculture in Florida. J. Shellfish Res. 31(1): 360-360

Marchant, B.P., S. Newman, T.Z. Osborne, K. Rutchey, K.R. Reddy, and R.M. Lark. (2011) Spatio-Temporal Monitoring of Soil Phosphorus in the Everglades Water Conservation Area 2A: 1998—2008. European J. Soil Sci.

Osborne, T.Z., G.L. Bruland, S. Newman, K.R. Reddy, & S. Grunwald. 2011 Spatial distributions and eco-partitioning of soil biogeochemical properties in Everglades National Park.   Env. Monit. Assess. 183: 395-408

Han, Lu, S. Huang, C.D. Stanley, and T.Z. Osborne. 2011 Phosphorus fractionation in core sediments from the Haihe River, China. Soil Sed. Cont. Int. J. 20(1): 30-53

*Osborne, T.Z., S. Newman, P. Kalla, D.J. Scheidt, G.L. Bruland, M.J. Cohen, L.J. Scinto, & L.R. Ellis. Landscape patterns of significant soil nutrients and contaminants in the Greater Everglades Ecosystem: Past, Present, and Future. (2011) Crit. Rev. Environ. Sci. Technol. 41:6 121-148

*Reddy, K.R., S. Newman, T.Z. Osborne, J.R. White, and C. Fitz. Legacy phosphorus in the Everglades ecosystem: implications for management and restoration. (2011) Crit Rev Env. Sci Technol. 41:6 149-186

*Cohen, M.J., J. Heffernan, D. Watts, and T.Z. Osborne. Reciprocal biotic control on hydrology, nutrient gradients, and landform in the Greater Everglades. (2011) Crit. Rev. Environ. Sci. Technol. 41:6 395-429

Watts, D., M.J. Cohen, J. Heffernan, T.Z. Osborne, & M.W. Clark. 2010 Hydrologic modification and the loss of self-organized patterning in the ridge slough mosaic of the Everglades. Ecosystems 13: 813-827