Sponsor the Care of a Turtle
The Sea Turtle Hospital at the University of Florida Whitney Laboratory is helping to conserve threatened Northeast Florida sea turtles by providing rehabilitation, research, and education.
You can join us to support the Sea Turtle Hospital by sponsoring the care of one of our current hospital patients! We value and rely on community support, so each sponsorship is greatly appreciated.
By donating, you’ll support our work to rehab and release these fantastic animals. Your sponsorship can provide them with necessary medical supplies, nutritious food, critical exams, and care at the Sea Turtle Hospital.
Suggested amount to sponsor the care of a turtle is $50. We appreciate gifts above $50 as well.
For joining us, you'll receive:
- A personalized certificate and choice to have it mailed to your home or emailed
- A monthly email update
- Advance notice of the turtle’s release (attendance at release not guaranteed)
You can even give a turtle sponsorship as a gift!
Please allow 2 weeks for mailed certificate to arrive. Emailed certificates sent within 3-4 business days.
For questions about sponsoring, please contact wlmb@whitney.ufl.edu.