Loesgen Lab welcomes Saje Green

Loesgen Lab welcomes Saje Green

Published: Thursday, June 6, 2024

Please welcome Saje Green to the Whitney Laboratory!

Saje has joined the Loesgen Lab to pursue her Ph.D. in chemical biology, looking for new metabolites produced from marine bacteria. Saje is a Florida native and earned her B.S. in chemistry from the University of North Florida in Jacksonville.

In her freshman year, Saje began working in the field of natural products with Dr. Amy Lane. During her time at UNF and a gap year after graduating, Saje helped to elucidate the biosynthetic pathway for Nocardioazine B, a molecule with anti-cancer potential from a marine microbe. She then went on to explore and probe the substrate specificity of NozR, a diketopiperazine isomerase in the Nocard B pathway. Saje enjoyed this work immensely and aims to continue this study of powerful molecules from marine microbes at Whitney Laboratory.

Beyond science, Saje enjoys the beach (and trying to surf), listening to music and audiobooks, baking bread, spending time with friends, and much more.