The award-winning ZDF documentary series with actor, animal advocate and environmentalist Hannes Jaenicke released their latest documentary featuring the Sea Turtle Hospital at Whitney Laboratory showcasing staff, fibropapilloma (FP) research, and hospital patients. The documentary explored sea turtles in the United States, Greece, Kenya and Costa Rica.
(Hannes Jaenicke: In action for sea turtles)
ZDF is a media company based in Germany. Hannes Jaenicke appeared in the award-winning ZDF documentaries "Im Einsatz ..." for polar bears, sharks, gorillas, elephants, cheetahs, dolphins, rhinos, lions, cheetahs, salmon, birds, wolves and pigs, which followed the highly successful broadcast of the pilot film about rainforest destruction and endangered orangutans. This heralded a series that vividly illustrates the connection between environmental destruction and species extinction.