Congratulations Dr. Sandra Loesgen on new National Science Foundation Award

Congratulations Dr. Sandra Loesgen on new National Science Foundation Award

Published: Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Congratulations to Associate Professor of Chemistry Dr. Sandra Loesgen who was awarded a new three year National Science Foundation (NSF) Award: 

URoL: MTM 1: Chemistry of cnidarian symbiosis: microbiomes role in association, morphogenesis, and protection

According to Dr. Loesgen "This proposal is a natural extension of previous collaborative work with Virginia Weis on the chemistry of coral-algae symbiosis, which builds the foundation of healthy coral reefs. In this proposal, my lab takes the lead to also include the (often overlooked) associated microbiome (bacteria and fungi) and its chemical signalling. With Mark Martindale and his team, we are excited to expand the study to two Cnidarians (coral and jellyfish) and their microbiomes for chemical discovery and a deeper understanding of coral symbiosis."

Grant image