Post-Doctoral Fellows

Dr. Allison Edgar New Jersey Institute of Technology

Dr. David Q. Matus, Stony Brook University

Dr. Eric Röttinger, Institute for Research on Cancer and Aging, Nice (IRCAN), Université de Nice Sophia – Antipolis

Dr. Naveen Wijesena, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka

Dr. Nagayasu Nakanishi, University of Arkansas

Dr. Michael Layden, Lehigh University

Dr. Yale Passamaneck, Staff Scientist at the Federal Bureau of Reclamation

Dr. William Browne, University of Miami

Dr. Craig Magie, Quinnipiac University, Connecticut

Dr. Andreas Hejnol, Sars International Centre for Marine Molecular Biology, Norway

Dr. Mattias Ormestad, (Co-founder with Dr. Eric Röttinger)

Dr. Patricia Murata, Kewalo Marine Lab

Dr. Casey Dunn, Professor at Yale University

Dr. Alexander Nederbragt, University of Oslo

Dr. Stephan Schneider, Iowa State University

Dr. Elaine Seaver, University of Florida

Dr. Atsuko Yamada, Hokkaido University, Japan

Dr. John Finnerty, Boston University

Dr. David Duffy, University of Limerick, Ireland

David Duffy

Graduate Students

Dr. Timothy Q. Dubuc, Centre for Chromosome BiologySchool of Natural Sciences, Biomedical Science Building, Dangan, NUI Galway

Mr. Paul Dahlin, University of Stockholm

Dr. Heather Q. Marlow, EMBO Heidelberg

Dr. David Q. Matus, Duke University

Dr. Steve Irvine, University of Rhode Island

Dr. Matthew Kourakis, University of California, Santa Barbara

Dr. Viraj Master, Emory Healthcare, Emory University

Dr. Kevin Pang, Sars International Center for Marine Molecular Biology, Norway

Mr. Ben Stevenson

Dr. Miguel Salinas Saavedra, Centre for Chromosome BiologySchool of Natural Sciences, Biomedical Science Building, Dangan, NUI Galway

Miguel Salinas Saavedra

Undergraduate Students

Ms. Ashley Han, Graduate Student, Georgetown University

Amber Rock, Graduate Student, Harvard University

Amber Rock

Grace Jean, Graduate Student, Stanford University


Malcolm Moses, Graduate Student, MD Anderson Cancer Center Houston

Student in lab